
I have spent a lot of time thinking about the best way to kick off my “Pink Boot Safety Blog”.  I have decided to kick off by sharing my philosophies that my experience has led me to believe in and be guided by.

During my blog I am going to share some hopefully interesting, definitely challenging and 100% rewarding experiences I have along the way. This will provide further explanation of how I got to believe in my philosophies. I have learnt so much from the amazing people I have worked with and I have definitely had to be prepared to change my thinking along the way because there was plenty of that needed.

WHS is truly something that is close to my heart. I started my career in the aftermath of a workplace death, but as well as seeing the consequences when it goes horribly wrong, I have seen the benefits to both individuals and businesses when it is done right and it is amazing for everyone!

Most of us “Work to Live”… although I have met a few that definitely “Live to Work” and there is nothing wrong with that.  Either way one thing I am sure of is no-one wants to be injured at work we all want work to be an enjoyable experience, with an element of fun and with the least stress possible that has been what I aim to assist businesses to achieve.

Below are my philosophies that I go back to every day when I am working with people…. I look forward to sharing what led me to these in my future blogs.

  • Effective Two-Way Consultation is Key!
  • Engagement and Awareness is Vital!
  • Our Teams are our Experts!
  • Compliance Does Not Mean More Red Tape!
  • Being “Safe” Is Not About Controlling People…it is about Empowering people!
  • A Great Business Culture is Measured By What Happens When You Aren’t Around!

In conclusion for this blog, the simple truth is we all only know what we know. What we know is shaped around our experience, our knowledge and what we have been trained to do.  I truly believe no-one knows better how to do a job better than the people actually doing the work…no-one!

In the last 25 years or so of my career I would like a dollar for every eye roll or comment like “your one of those” I got when I have told someone I work in WHS.  Quite frankly I don’t blame them.  I will explain why this is during my further blogs. I hope you join me….

“There are no secrets to success. It is the result of preparation, hard work, learning from failure”
Colin Powell