Men’s Health Matters!
Australian men are more likely than Australian women to get sick from serious health problems. Their mortality rate is also much higher. Men die in greater numbers than women from almost every non-sex-specific health problem. Overall, for every two women who die, three men die.
Male deaths outnumber female deaths in every age group apart from the over-65 years, and only because so many men die before reaching retirement. Compared to women, men visit the doctor less frequently, have shorter visits and only attend when their illness is in its later stages.
- Men in Australia experience more death, disease, illness and injuries than women, accounting for 54% of the overall disease burden and 58% of the burden due to premature death.
- The male rate of years of life lost to premature death is higher than the female rate for the three biggest killers: cancer (40% higher) cardiovascular disease (80% higher) and injuries including suicide (2.6 times higher).
Top Men’s Health Issues
- Liver disease
- Cardiovascular disease
- Respiratory disease e.g., lung cancer
- Alcohol use
- Depression and suicide
- Unintentional injuries and accidents
- Diabetes
- Skin Cancer
- Influenza and pneumonia
Prostate Cancer Facts
- Prostate cancer kills 9 men a day in Australia.
- It is the second most common cause of cancer death in men after lung cancer.
- More men die from prostate cancer than women die from breast cancer. In 2017, prostate cancer killed 3,275 men and breast cancer killed 2,898 women
Mental Health Facts
- Every day in Australia, approximately seven men die by suicide
- In Australia, men are three times more likely to die by suicide than women.
- Evidence indicates men are far less likely to seek help for mental health conditions than women.
- One in eight Australian men will experience depression in their lifetime.
- One in five Australian men will experience an anxiety condition in their lifetime.
Some Theories as To Why?
It is clear that women are healthier than men, but why? Some of the theories that attempt to explain the health differences between the sexes include:
In Australia, more money is spent on the healthcare needs of women and children than is spent on the healthcare needs of men.
Men are more likely than are women to work full-time. Office hours for most medical clinics coincide with typical work hours, so men in full-time employment find it difficult to make an appointment. (Of course, this is also true for women who work full-time.)
Men, particularly older men, typically prefer to see a male doctor for intimate or embarrassing issues. However, the family doctor may be female.
Men are traditionally encouraged to do the high-risk jobs that are stressful, dangerous and deadly such as mining and construction.
Men are encouraged by our culture to be tough and independent. Some men could believe that visiting doctors or complaining of feeling ill are threats to their masculinity.
Where To Get Help?
- Your GP
- Men’s Health Clinic
- Organisations like Lifeline, Beyond Blue or other Mental Health Organisations
Recognising and preventing men’s health problems is not just a man’s issues, because of its impact on wives, mothers, daughters and sisters, men’s health is truly a family issue!
- Bill Richardson
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